About Me

First thing to know about me: I’m not good at being brief. I’m a talker. So here’s my novel of an about me section.

In my teens I discovered that my dad had once had an interest in photography. I looked at old photos he took of my mom and of my brothers and I and thought how cool it was that he would set up these homemade backdrops to try to get a “studio” looking shot in our small apartment. Want to see?

momsergionat(My mom, brother, and me.)

My freshman year of college, I moved to Miami, FL to study cinematography. My major was Motion Pictures. MOTION PICTURES. Real major. Not gonna lie, it was pretty awesome working on graduate student films and harassing the Director of Photography (DP) on set and asking one million questions. Well, until one of the DPs tried to crush my dreams. He was asking me what I wanted to do with my major and 19 year old me said, “I want to be a Director of Photography.” He said, “Are you sure? I mean…it’s not easy. You have to be good at numbers. Are you sure you’re up for all that?” Apparently something about me screamed “Cannot tell a 9 from a 6.” In the end (as in the end of my first year of college) I decided to change my major (to Radio and TV, and if you’re wondering, yes, it’s an incredibly useful and lucrative major. Not.) and moved away. By the next summer I was married. Two summers later, I was pregnant with my first child. And then I became my dad, setting up “studios” to take pictures of my son. Check out my early attemps, pre-DSLR:

1 monthD

I like to think I got better by baby #4:


If you’re still reading, bless you.

Despite the dream crusher, I’m thankful that my experience in Miami taught me some basics like aperture and shutter speed, and I’m so incredibly grateful to be able to use my knowledge of these “numbers”, to capture quality images of my own family, old friends, and new friends. This photography passion is a blast and I hope I get to do it for a long, long time.

So who am I?
I am a mom of 4 hilarious kiddos.
I am the wife of a stud of an engineer.
I am a fan of Parenthood, Modern Family, Friday Night Lights, Arrested Development, Parks and Rec, and my all time favorite: Friends.
I am obsessed with food and will try almost anything once.
I am a loyal friend.
I am Colombian American.
I am a Mormon.

♥ Nathaly423eweb